Soft matter and biophysics lab
The Wang group at the School of Chemistry, UNSW Sydney, works at the intersection of physics, chemistry, materials science, to answer questions about soft matter. Soft matter is everything that deforms easily - cell membranes, cream, gels - because internally, the components are held together by weak bonds (on the order of kT).
Studying soft matter can not only give us insight into the science of the everyday, from personal care products and therapeutics to food, but can also shed light on basic science like the principles behind self-assembly, the physicochemical processes in cells, and how cell-based life started on Earth.
The lab is currently supported by a Human Frontier of Science Program Program Grant (details of grant, with A/Prof Benjamin Rogers and Dr Yutetsu Kuruma) for a project to make a growing artificial cell with an in vitro transcription/translation system, an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award to 'Confer life-like functions to protocells', and a Sloan Foundation and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant.
We are seeking students at all levels - undergraduate research, Honours, Masters, and PhD - who are interested in researching soft condensed matter and the origins of cellular life.
Students will work at the intersection of physics, chemistry, materials science, and astrobiology using techniques that probe the rearrangement and self-assembly of matter at the mesoscale.
Please contact Anna directly to discuss possibilities at (and do follow up if you don't get a reply after 1 week!)